Can Developing Nations Join The Shorter Workweek Wave?
The 4-day workweek is an emerging trend with promising results; but so far it has only been implemented in developed nations. Can developing nations catch the wave of this trend?Germany, the powerhous

All About Ged Essay Writing: Structure, Score, Guidelines, And Tips To Score Better.
It may sound scary and difficult to write a whole essay within 45 minutes. Do not worry; together, let us break down the GED essay queries and focus on scoring the highest. This guide will be your one
Dark Web Under The Spotlight
The internet, as we commonly interact with, represents just a fraction of the entire digital landscape. What we typically refer to as the "surface web" includes websites and content that are indexed b
Has Tech Sector Lost Its Charm?
There was a time when working at Google or Amazon was the dream of many. These names resounded assurance and job security. However, those days are long gone. Today, on one hand, Amazon and Foxcon

How Third-Party Cookies Turn You Into A Digital Commodity
After much scrutiny and multiple privacy lawsuits, Google has initiated its plan to eliminate cookies from its web browser, Google Chrome.The process began at the start of the New Year, with Google bl
Can We Afford Metaverse?
The metaverse's paint is barely dry, yet the first brushstrokes of manipulation are already visibleMetaverse is like parallel universe, offering us the freedom to embody other forms of ourselves- the