Buzzing sensation going around the internet: ChatGPT, which amassed more than 1 million users in mere five days and might even have a 10-billion-dollar investment from tech-giant, Microsoft Corp! Now that is exciting. But, contemplating the buzz of viral AI, we could not keep our hands off the technology, and we have mixed emotions and much more to talk about.

But since it is a relative "latest-tech-buzz", most of us are still unfamiliar with the concept. So, allow us to explain quickly:

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence model developed by "OpenAI Inc", more like a live-interacting chatbot capable of generating real-time, human-like responses to the questions asked. 

Released on the last day of November 2022, the Bot is not even two months old but already had a million users by 4th December and soon might have a 10-billion-dollar investment by Microsoft corp.

Link to the homepage:

GPT stands for "generating Pre-Training".

The Model is launched on a trial basis. In addition, the data generated for users is stored, further elevating the Model's learning. 

Arena of dominance:

The aim of the company is "reinforcement learning", which builds a balance between "harnessing existing knowledge" and "collecting additional knowledge". Hence, the company is extensively invested in this arena, and ChatGPT is not a one-of-a-kind Model; instead, it already has three successors: GPT, GPT-2 and GPT-3. 

Other than these, OpenAI has recently launched one of the other products in the market, named: "DAL.E", an online, token-based image development program capable of converting any text into an image.

Link for the page:

Additionally, Whisper, API, Microscope and Codex are a few of the other products launched by the company.

"Deep Mind", another artificial intelligence company, is seen as the main competitor of OpenAI.

Who invented Open AI?

Elon musk, Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, Wojciech Zaremba, and Sam Altman founded the "OpenAI" platform in 2015. However, in 2018, Elon Musk exited the company after a conflict of interest with his company, "tesla".

Sam Altman, the acting CEO of "Open AI", was also a former "Y Combinator" president.

What ChatGPT is capable of:

The program can generate human-like responses, but with a plethora of information from the internet.

Just last month, a video of a doctor conversing with ChatGPT went viral. A patient in Sydney was diagnosed within seconds of consultation with a Bot, which is just another tiny sample of the breathtaking proficiency of the Model.

In another instance, a man in a Tik-Tok video is seen generating a medical document, to which he responds, "it can efficiently generate text and just saved my time."

This is just a tiny glimpse of the kind of buzz the platform has created all over the tech industry. Let us understand the pros and cons of this innovative technology in detail:

Pros and Cons:

What's good?

  • Competitor of Google?
  • The beast can generate articles and assignments, develop codes, solve mathematical problems, diagnose patients with symptoms, and interface like a human. Although the content created lacks originality, it can be used to retrieve data from the internet, and hence, it is compared with "Google".
  • At the present rate of succession, ChatGPT is off to a good start and is absent, but shortly, google and ChatGPT might run in the same race.
  • Ability to retain & adopt:
  • First, in the hierarchy, data retention ability and then adapting accordingly is one of the master skills that differentiate the Bot from the rest. Piling on that, chatbot development, language translation and sentiment analysis are a few of the added advantages.
  • Unknown language? What is that?
  • The Bot shares the advantage of communicating in various languages and formatting styles. Since the Model is still under exploration and continuous learning, we could not get the exact number. However, the Model knew any language we could think of. However, the accuracy declined steeply, but the Model can understand and generate texts in multiple languages.
  • Data Mining and sentiment analysis:
  • As per experts, quick speed adds to data mining and sentiment analysis, both of which need diving into heaps of data. Hence, it lays the foundation for streamlined product/business analysis.
  • Army of Bots:
  • Regeneration, relatively quick regeneration, gives ChatGPT an upper hand in the market. It enjoys the ability to generate and regenerate programs for bots like itself. This ability is dominantly harnessed in the arena of "customer service", "market research", and "product development", where quick mantling and dismantling of various product structures is required.

Causes of worry:

  • No update on current affairs:
  • On enquiring about "war in Ukraine" or "who is president of the United States", we learned that the information horizon is restricted to the year 2021 and prior. On retrieving data past that time, AI depicts an error message. The data fed into the AI was cut off in 2021; hence, it cannot process any information post that time frame.
  • Lack of creativity:
  • Another limitation of the viral interface is the need for more regenerating responses. The language model is fundamental and produces repetitive responses to similar questions. So, if you were to ask a question, the Model would rephrase the previous answer, which depicts the "lack of creativity" of the Model.
  • A lot to exploit here:
  • While the internet is going head over heels about the technology, just 2months since the launch, scammers are up with the tech to embezzle the Bot. Various instances of students abusing the interface to generate assignments have surfaced on the internet. However, this is just a minor instance of the plethora of things that can go wrong with the Bot.
  • The latest report by ChatGPT's policy researchers warns people of "AI-enabled influence operations". The Bot is helping phishers to develop "sophisticated emails" with no grammatical errors, which, in turn, multiples the chances of people falling prey to them, an article in "Mint Lounge" articulated.
  • "WithSecure", a cybersecurity company based in Helsinki, stresses the impact initiated by ChatGPT, which could lead to the development of "fraud emails", "sophisticated phishing scams", and even the creation of "codes for hacking".Although few argue about the capability of the Bot to generate effective codes for mass hacking and mass destruction, we are still threatened by everything that could go wrong with the Model.
  • However, turning to the bright side, something so intriguing about the chatbot has gained international fame in the short term. The ability to retain previous information and generate human-like responses makes communication "less robotic" and more "human-like".

What does the world have to say about the Bot?

As a result of varied pros and cons, the platform has collected jumbled responses from its users ever since its launch. While some compare it to "Google", others agitate over its exploitation for phishing scams and hacking. On the other hand, some pinpoint the benefits of optimization and solving complex layout problems. In contrast, others fear the misuse of Bot for assignment cheating and generating Text via AI for work, and we strongly agree. Hence, we have also got something that might help teachers and editors detect the "genuinity of text."

ZeroGPT: Tool to detect AI generated Text:

To combat the rising use of AI tools in content creation, Computer science student Edward Tian from Princeton University has invented an app to distinguish AI-generated Text from Human written Text.

The algorithm is based on the symmetry of complexity in the Text. The app is based on the concept that, If Text depicts even complexity throughout the Text, the content is most likely to be machine-generated.

Although the tool might be fruitful to teachers and editors, the score's credibility depends upon the Text's length. The algorithm requires at least ten lines to produce reliable output efficiently.

In our research, the app's results were mediocre, and we successfully determined correct results on half of the trials, but the app is undoubtedly a strong laying stone for the future.

Link for the webpage:

Is a chatbot capable of replacing humans:

Speaking of laying stones for the future, the internet is saturated with opinions that the chatbot has the potential to replace humans and, most likely, Google. As per critics, Journalists, writers, programmers, SEO, and even doctors might face a decline in employment due to ChatGPT. However, we disagree. At present, AI is not powerful enough to critically analyze and conclude in resemblance to humans, just as John Searle's "Chinese Room" argument states. Per the argument, a program/ AI can not have a "mind" and "conscious". Although we do not entirely agree with the stated argument and believe that humans can innovate unimaginably, the argument holds good considering the present stage of the ChatGPT.

Concluding words:

It is an exciting time for AI and ChatGPT is undoubtedly a model to watch. Its unique ability to generate texts and develop its successive Bot models is revolutionizing the world as we see it today. However, with flowers come thrones; likewise, just when the world is reaping the benefits of one of the most innovative AI platforms, some scammers out there are busy extracting the most evil of ideas from the Model. Other than that, the Model is new and refreshing and is here to stay and slay!

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