Not America, but Poland is the most generous donor of the Russian-Ukraine War

“The measure of a man is not how much he has, but how much he is willing to give."

Feeble infants, trembling kids, fearful mothers and brave soldiers- The war in Ukraine seems interminable for now. For almost a year now, war has taken much more than it could ever triumph.

While many countries support Ukraine through military, financial and humanitarian aid, two bodies that have emerged at the top of the list are United States and European Union, as per monetary aid. United States recently piled on its donating numbers with additional military aid of more than 2 billion Dollars. EU, the UK, Germany, Canada and Poland, in terms of aid to Ukraine, follow US.

Donating more than 50 billion dollars in 2022 alone, the world applauds America for its incalculable support for Ukraine. However, our research shows that not America but Poland is the most generous donor to war. How? Continue reading the article to find out.

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Poland donates the most from its plate:

Since the war began in late February last year, thousands have lost their lives and remain under constant threat to life amid mass shootings, bombings and micelle attacks.

While some are struggling to mere survive bombings and attacks, another predator silently claiming countless lives is- a lack of resources. Crises in both nations are incalculable, from electricity to food, from shelter to cold. Yet, amid crises, everyone came bearing any help they could. Some aided with finances, while others supplied food and resources.

Many nations have donated anything and everything they could. But, while America emerged at the top of the list with the highest volume of donations in war cry, Poland is the one that donated the most of its GPD to help Ukraine, and not just in the form of GPD; Poland welcomed almost 1.4 million war refugees from Ukraine- more than any other country.

Supporting data:

The following data has been sourced from Statista, which compiles the list of the most generous donors to Ukraine.

However, what is interesting in the figures is the aid in terms of GDP.

So far, by the end of 2022, United nations have aided more than 50 billion dollars to the war in Ukraine, which is merely 0.23% of its over 25 trillion-dollar economy, followed by European Commission, with a sum donation of nearly 35 billion dollars.

 However, turning to the other side, not financially, Poland has donated most of its GDP to support Ukraine. While rest of the nations could not even cross the 0.3% cap of GDP in support of war heroes in Ukraine, this small nation has donated more than 0.5% of its 166 billion-dollar GDP.

In mid-2022, the studies even estimated that Poland would donate almost 1% of its economic sources aid to Ukraine, which is almost worth 5 billion dollars. However, the war affected the nation adversely. Steep inflation, high production costs and uncertainty in the market shook this leading economy. As a result, the numbers could not be met, but the nation still managed to be the biggest donor to Ukraine.

Home away from home:

The nation housed all the migrants searching for home; their nationality did not matter; what mattered was that they needed help.

When more than 10 million people were forced to flee from their homes in Ukraine, Poland's tough economic structure surfaced from post-pandemic economic crises.

And despite facing adversity, as per UNICEF, Poland has sheltered more than 1.4 million refugees from the war. UN refugee agency estimates even higher numbers, close to 2 million. And these are just official numbers; the real numbers surpass even these figures.

Poland is at the centre of Europe, just next to Ukraine and Belarus. The “rich-economy” nation, Poland, holds the 23rd rank in terms of GDP by the World Bank. Most of its economy is derived from machinery, vehicles and many minerals.

Poland not only welcomed migrants from Ukraine, which it supports in the war, but also from other nations such as Syria, Yemen and the Iraqi Kurdistan. Until June 2022, more than 4000 people had migrated from other nations to Poland, per a press release noticed by Amaya Valcárcel, JRS International Advocacy Officer.


While Belarus, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Kyrgyzstan are on the side of Russia, 12 founding members of NATO are backing up Ukraine. Other than that, 27 members of the EU committee, G7 countries and Australia have supported Ukraine while it tussles with Russia. However, despite all that, Poland stands out from the crowd in support of Ukraine. That, for us, is the real winner. Not the one, which aids the most financially, but the one that donates with the most generosity.

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