Most of the students struggle with writing a good essay. It's even harder for them to write a great summative essay and get that stellar grade. A summative essay is one of the most important essays you will write in college. And if you want the "A", you need to follow the correct format and have a good thesis statement.

So how can you write an excellent summative essay? Before achieving this, you must understand the essay's features, characteristics and format. It then clears the clouds to fix it for you.

If you want to learn how to write a good summative essay, keep reading this blog.

What is a summative essay?

Summative essays are academic papers that require students to evaluate and synthesize information learned throughout a course. It outlines, describes and evaluates the main ideas of the reading material. A summative essay can be written on almost any topic. It can be based on a book, speech, article or other reading material. To report a good abstract essay, you must read the material carefully, take notes, and think about what the writer is trying to say.

Then, you should arrange your notes and use them to write a summary. An essay summarising a book is not the same as a book review. While both summarize the reading material, book reviews focus on quality. They evaluate the book based on a set of criteria.

Elements of a Good Summative Essay

The following elements should be considered if you want to write an effective summative essay:

Reliability: Writing provides consistent results in the settings of classrooms, daily situations, and student groups.

Validity: The writing appropriately reflects what students have been taught throughout instruction.

Authenticity: Writing reflects various real-world related skills that are appropriate outside of the classroom context.

Variety: The essay reflects the use of various words and ideas. Be sure to use various words and ideas to add variety to the essay.

Tips for Writing a summative essay

1. Know your exact summative essay topic

Even though this seems like the simplest part of the process, it is often neglected. Instead, most people choose specific subjects because they seem to be the easiest or have enough material to work on them.

Understanding your professor's opinion is essential here. What exactly does he expect from you? This is an important step in creating good content for your summative essay. If you are confused, discuss a topic with your professor, friends, or colleagues.

Or our experts can provide a unique topic for your summative essay for free.

2. Find Relevant Content

Now that you have a clear picture of the topic of your summative essay, the next thing to do is to start reading lecture notes or available academic sources. First, skim over the essential points. Then, refresh your mind with your study material or course syllabus.

If you've ever attended a training course, seminar, or workshop on this topic, you'll have enough knowledge to write about because it will help you handle some of the more complex issues.

3. Make an outline

Break down literature into smaller paragraphs when reading contextual material. By doing so, you can quickly get an overview of the literature. Then, as you read the material, remember the essay topic you are writing so that you can extract and note down useful information.

Make notes on any arguments you think might support the title of your essay. Then reread each paragraph, and highlight all the essential points. Finally, mark the areas you want to reference in your summative essay and the points you don't want to cover.

4. Writing an Introduction

The introduction to your summative essay should briefly state the main idea of the original paper and provide the author's name, the paper's title, and basic background information. Try to keep everything accurate. As a rule, 250-300 words are enough for the introduction. Add a thesis statement also because you need to end your essay with a reference to thesis statement.

5. Writing the Body

Divide the essay into 2-4 topics in the body that you can argue and support in detail—elaborate on these topics with one or more examples from the original paper. Include only essential information and avoid irrelevant ones.

6. Conclusion

A concluding paragraph is required if your professor calls for it. Otherwise, it is not necessary.

Need help writing your essay?

You can hire a professional writer to write a high-quality summative essay if you do not have time to write one yourself. Then, you have to provide instructions on what you need, and they will write an original essay paper for you.

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