Simply, a position paper represents an essay that shows a reasoned opinion about a certain issue or problem. The paper aims to convince your target audience that your opinion is valid and credible. Our guide will show you how to write a position letter without confusion. The most important thing is to choose your opinion based on a specific topic. It can be anything from reflective to controversial as long as you can pick a position and have your opinion.

What is position paper?

A position paper is an essay that expresses an author's view on a particular topic and uses evidence to support their stance. While you may learn how to write a position letter for a high school or college class, professionals in many industries write these resources as a part of their daily work. For example, in a college class, you might write a position letter to meet an instructor's prompt, but in your career, you might write a position letter about a topic related to your industry.

Types of Position Paper

There are differences you should think about when working with a position paper based on what you want to accomplish. For example:

Introductory information and overview. To defend your position, you must refer to directories, manuals, textbooks, and educational sources.

In-depth study. This should include government reports and various books. You should narrow down your topic.

Scholarly research. In this case, you should use academic journals and peruse various articles. It is usually based on specific courses.

Current issues. You can use some magazines, newspapers, websites and even social media. Remember to use your personal experience.

Statistical data. If you're working with numbers, consider using government agencies and associations. Be sure to introduce a strong fact with an explanation in your position paper introduction.

Position paper analysis. Start with reports and websites that deal with your problem. This is where you should use the 50/50 pattern that includes your sources and personal analysis.

Of course, you should always think about your audience and make sure you deliver a point of view. If something is too complicated, remember to provide a basic explanation. On the other hand, it should be inspiring and interesting. So avoid being too complicated. The article review writing service can support you if this assignment seems too difficult.

Position paper writing tips from our experts

Even if you have an example of a position paper, you may still need some practical recommendations to make things easier for yourself. Here are some tips that you need to follow during the writing process:

Decide on a topic. While choosing a topic for discussion, you should choose one with a clear idea. Then, you can broaden your perspective by reading some literature on the desired subject matter. Ideally, you should take a variety of viewpoints to consider them for further analysis.

Express your position. Focus on a specific aspect of the topic to express it in a one-sentence opinion. Make sure you've got a debatable idea. If the topic can't be debated, it can hardly be used to write a good position letter.

Be precise in your statement. Try to express your opinion briefly and clearly. A position paper is not meant to be vague.

Lead the narrative in the present tense. However, you are discussing this topic here and now, so using the past tense is inappropriate.

Use superlatives sparingly. Avoid using superlatives such as biggest, major, extremely etc., as they tend to exaggerate the context.

Use frequently used words. To make the content attractive and well-written, use the most common thematic words such as world community, member states, recommendations, developments, achievements, regulations, international, etc.

Use commonly used verbs. You should include commonly used verbs such as understand, enable, recognize, admit, believe, suggest, consider, find out, highlight, etc.

Proceed with final proofreading. You cannot consider your status paper complete until it has passed a successful spelling and grammar check. Therefore, you should read your paper aloud several times for maximum results. This will make it easier to point out mistakes and fix them.

While there is no universal formula for writing a perfect position paper, some simple tips you can follow will get you closer to the desired result. First, just think analytically and act logically during the writing process.

How to write a position paper?

A position paper requires three basic parts: an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Follow these seven steps to help you write a position paper on any topic:

1. Choose a Topic

In some classes or jobs, you may choose the topic of the position paper. Consider topics relevant to your industry or academic interests if you choose your topic. The purpose of a position paper is to persuade, so your ability to provide supporting evidence for a claim may be more important than the topic itself. If a supervisor or manager assigns you a topic, consider your reasoning and which perspective you support.

2. Research

Position papers provide evidence to support the author's claims and persuade the audience to accept his or her stance. When researching, ensure enough data is available to support your chosen topic. If you can't find enough information to support your argument, you can adjust your topic or choose a different perspective.

3. Draft a Thesis

Once you've decided on your position, use your research notes to create a thesis statement, which is one sentence that states your opinion and summarizes your key supporting evidence. Many writers place their thesis statement at the end of their introductory paragraphs to help the reader anticipate the key parts of their argument. In your thesis, including information about your key areas of evidence.

4. Create an outline

Using your thesis statement and notes, outline your argument. While some people use sentence fragments in their outlines, others create sentence outlines that contain the topic statement, evidence, and conclusion for each section of their research paper. These are common sections of a position letter:

Introduction: Introduce the topic and your thesis or position for the paper. You can provide background information or explain why the topic is essential.

Body: This section contains your argument or claim along with supporting evidence. Shorter position papers often have three body paragraphs, while long positions may contain several sections.

Conclusion: The final section of a position paper emphasizes your claims and summarizes your paper. You can also include information about the issue's impact on your industry.

Don't understand a thing? Contact us for help!

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