Writing a persuasive essay but having trouble getting started? Creating an outline before starting your persuasive essay can be incredibly helpful.

An outline helps you organize your ideas logically and serves as a roadmap for your paper. It also helps you determine how much research the essay needs and what evidence should be included.

What is a persuasive essay outline, and why is it essential?

An outline for a persuasive essay serves as a basic road map for your writing, outlining the number of paragraphs and the structure of your arguments. It maps out the order in which your paragraphs appear and indicates what information should be included in each section. There are several ways to organize your main ideas in your outline:

  • Bulletin issue
  • Numbered list
  • Checklist.

A persuasive essay is one where students must prove their point. For this reason, creating an outline for a persuasive essay allows for an emotional component and helps you not get confused by your supporting evidence.

Furthermore, an outline allows you to save precious time. Once you have developed a plan, writing an essay is limited to expanding your prepared arguments. Hence, planning this paper is a great way to organize the knowledge and focus on the key points. Find various motivational essay examples for better understanding.

How to write a persuasive essay outline?

Following these simple steps, you can write a persuasive essay outline quickly.

1- Persuasive Essay Introduction

The outline of a persuasive essay begins with an introductory paragraph. Readers should be engaged and educated by the introduction to a persuasive essay. Therefore, the introduction of your essay should be catchy to grab the readers' attention and make them want to read further.

Here are some of the elements you should add to your essay introduction.

Start with hook

Start your essay with an engaging hook to grab the reader's attention. You can also start your essay with an interesting fact, quote or statistic related to your persuasive essay topic.

However, remember the target audience and start writing the essay. First, you must know what the readers want to read.

Provide background information

Describe the topic's background after the hook statement. However, don't add all the information you would include in the body.

Write thesis statement

The introduction concludes with a thesis statement. This statement summarises the main idea you will present in your essay and the reason for selecting that topic.

Furthermore, it will form the basis of the entire essay, including the points discussed in the body paragraphs. Therefore, write a strong thesis statement that shares the exact idea of your essay.

2- Persuasive Essay Body Paragraph

Body paragraphs discuss the main problem in detail, using facts and supporting evidence. The number of paragraphs depends on the subject and its scope. However, each paragraph should focus on one idea and its supporting claims.

The content of the body paragraph will prove your stance and decide whether readers will support your topic.

Below are some tips for supporting your arguments in the body paragraphs.

Provide facts

It is easier to convince someone if you present credible facts about that specific issue.


Like facts, figures will also be solid evidence supporting your argument. Hence, make sure that you are collecting accurate facts and figures.

Use quotes

You should include quotes from reliable sources to make your writing more authentic and credible. This will increase the credibility of your essay. Also, if you mentioned and mentioned an original name, it shows that you are knowledgeable.


Give real-life examples that relate to the chosen topic. Real-life examples help readers relate to the situation and see your viewpoint in high definition.

Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence. That topic sentence summarizes the idea presented in that paragraph. Each paragraph should contain a unique and relevant idea. Don't combine multiple ideas in one paragraph; This will create confusion and disrupt the structure of your essay.

3- Persuasive Essay Conclusion

The conclusion is the last step of your persuasive essay. When you've finished your persuasive writing, restate your thesis statement and main points.

Furthermore, it is written to close the argument by reinforcing what has already been discussed in the essay.

Begin your conclusion by reiterating your thesis statement, key points, and supporting arguments. Remember to stick to what you've covered in the essay, and don't try to be creative by introducing new ideas.

Add what is discussed and proved in the essay and stick to it. Also, add a personal note related to the topic and engage readers by leaving food for thought.

Persuasive Essay Outline: Final Thoughts

Persuasive essay outline is an essential part of preparing any solid text. Keep the reader involved and write using an emotional component, which is allowed in this case. The introductory thesis should be analyzed based on arguments concerning statistics and scientific research. This is the only way to write a high-quality persuasive essay with relevant information.

Contact our professional writers if you're unsure how to enhance your persuasive essay with supporting facts. They are experienced in writing all types of academic papers considering the quality. If you have an urgent order, don't worry - as our customer, you can enjoy a timely essay turnaround.

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